The breed of Pygmy Goats is quite ambiguous. Most goats are a cross breed of one or another but let's say pygmy refers to temperament. Goats are very sociable and seem to enjoy human contact especially when there is food involved! But generally they are very manageable - females that is. Male goats are a different story! They are very single minded to the point of being obstinate but again food is always the key to treating them and their behaviour.
Male goats or Billies as they are referred to, are very smelly, their distinct smell is a mix of urine and semen or my friend Richard on a hot sunny day!. They need to be kept away in separate pens from the females and kids to avoid cross breeding which weakens the breed structure of the flock.
Colour is fashionable at present with lighter colours seeming to be most popular, but it is all a question of what you like.
Castration of males is done to make them easier to handle and these animals are extremely affectionate and do genuinely enjoy human interaction - and don't smell!
We have the most beautiful goats. Over the years we have bought in a select range of breeders and we now have over forty goats.
To say a goat will eat anything is completely wrong - they are very fussy eaters. They are not grazers like sheep , they much prefer to pick and choose what they eat but don't be fooled they will eat until they burst when they find something they like.
A goat can and will breed every six months, so males must be kept away from the females on a full time basis. You need to match a nanny to a suitable billy - size matters! Too larger male makes for a difficult birth and can be fatal if wrongly matched. We have a range of Billies which are available for stud services. Contact us for more information on our board and breed services.
I have always found that hey stay pretty healthy with a good mixed diet. Usually the first sign of a problem is diarrhea and a shitty bum. It is usually parasites which can be controlled by regular drenching and clean sleeping areas. If it persists then panacur is a good fixer.